Implementing Continuous Build Using Semaphore

In just a few quick steps, you can use Semaphore to automatically build and test your code as soon as you push it to your repository. Here's how you can add your GitHub or Bitbucket project and set up a Go project on Semaphore.

The default configuration for a Go project takes care of the following:

  • Fetching the dependencies,
  • Building the project, and
  • Running the tests without any special tags.

For this application, the default setup is all that is required. Just make sure that you choose the latest available version of Go. Once you've completed this process, you'll be able to see the status of the latest builds and tests on your Semaphore dashboard. Every time you push any new changes, Semaphore will automatically detect that, build your project, run the tests and display the results on your dashboard.

If you dig deeper and take a closer look at these build results, you'll see the test results. For successful builds, the test results will be similar to the results we saw in the previous section. In case of failures, you'll be able to see exactly which test failed.

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    No results matching ""